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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Archived Rants - February

Feb 1, 2011
So what is up with people who go to the gym but don't really work out while they are there? Like hanging out on the treadmill and TEXTING for 50 minutes!!! WTF I mean it's not like there are other people there who might actually want to work out. Seriously, if all you are going to do is chat to your peeps while doing 1.5 mph then please, go to the mall and do a few loops and stop waisting everyones time.
And before I get people being like " well maybe that's all they can do is 1.5" that's fine, then be serious about why you are there and PUT DOWN THE PHONE!!!
The worst part about this is?... these are the same people that I am jealous of cause they are the skinny bitches that i think should eat a cheeseburger... Hmmm maybe i should get texting during my workouts ;)
xoxo- S

Feb 7, 2011
My rant it towards two "people" - specifically
1) Mother Nature
2) Old Man Winter

Seriously you two! Would you please get on the same page. I want to end this treadmill bullshit and start running outside... however until you two learn to get along, that wont be happening.
So I am begging you - PLEASE STOP SNOWING!!!

that is all
xoxo - S

Feb 10, 2010
My rant of the day has very little to do with running and a whole lot to do with perception.
More importantly, how people deal with what they perceive.
If you don't know what's going on for another person, then who the hell are you to judge what a person looks like? Unless you have spoken to them about it, then why do you think it's ok to assume you can pass judgement on another human being?!
Specifically, I am looking at you bitchy high school girls who gave me a bunch of dirty looks while I was eating a burger today while you were picking at your fries and salads. Ya, I had a burger. And guess what? It was more nutritionally well rounded than your meal... so stop glaring at me!
Ya that's right... BACK OFF!

1 comment:

  1. oh so you're the one grumbling behind me while I txt on the treadmill buahaha
