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Friday, January 28, 2011

Running with a Dream: Alessia's Rant of the Day

Well......I guess I'm a bit late considering I really believed i'd have the ambition to begin my blogging last night. Just goes to show what outside stress does to you.
I am proud to say I am back on track after a couple of very disappointing days off that included my best friend Wendy's.

Yesterday I decided that eating healthy was priority, and of course slept until the last possible minute, so I had the wonderful dilemna of either looking well groomed for my job, or.....going to the grocery store to stock up on healthy food before the snow came. I thankfully chose eating healthy and decided to forgoe the hairstyling for the day. Headbands are a wonderful invention for just these types of days.
I have found out very quickly that it is a very time consuming event to grocery shop for healthy food. Those consumers are tricky little buggers. They lie a lot. What's really less fat is added carbs and what's really lower carbs is higher fat. It takes a smart shopper to be able to decipher the tricky language on food products. I would recommend always giving yourself extra time to shop if you're reading labels because you could be there all day.
So while I was on my grocery run I decided to wander over to the exercise video section. You know the videos where everyone is excited to buy them because we all swear on our lives that we will OF COURSE follow through with actually doing the video regularly once we've bought it? Yes that one. This time I decided I'm seriously ready and bought this Dancing with the Stars Cardio Dancing Video. Well I get home and it was like watching Latin Dancing for 5 year olds. I don't even think one bead of sweat ran down my face. How can they call it a cardio video if you can't even break a sweat? Serious disappointment. I will most certainly be returning it for one that opens a can of whoopass on me.

So anyways.....thankfully I have managed to shed the extra weight I had put on over the Christmas Holidays. Now I can continue with the original weight loss plan before the Holiday extras. So far so good. Just need people to nudge me on my days off. I think that's where all the temptations go down, when I don't have anything scheduled. I get bored and lazy. Not a good combo when you need to exercise and eat healthy. Boredom equals unnecessary eating and laziness equals skipping out on your exercises. But this just teaches me to set up a really good plan for myself on my days off to make sure people are motivating me.

Well.....tonight is P90x. I'd say it's the easiest way to burn a lot of calories in an hour and also I find it pretty fun because there's so many different muscle groups you can choose from and many of them don't require much other than chairs and retention bands.

Oh and my rant? I wish people would stopp telling me I look fine when I say I'm going to try and lose weight and get healthy. Be supportive would you, people? Sheesh haha

Thanks for reading!

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