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Monday, February 28, 2011

Time to get back on the wagon...

Wow, last week was BRUTAL. Between having a cold, the weather being cold and having no motivation, did not hit the treadmill even once. YIPES. And then to top it all off my running buddy is out of commission for at least a few weeks.... So now It needs to all come from me. So what does this mean???

Well, this is what I posted on MFP
"Not gonna be happy about the scale this week angry
However, I also know what happened... brutal cold, no motivation and WAY too much partying last weekend... all together not a recipe for success. But no excuses, i made bad choices and I know it's not going to be good on the scale... Just gotta stick with it and drink H2O!
I also need to do a MAJOR grocery order this weekend cause having nothing in the house leads to me picking junk EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


However, I must move on!!!
So for this week:
I found an AWESOME 6 week yoga plan that requires 30 mins 3 times a week so I want to start that
I hear ya Teresa, I need to add weights too - so I am thinking some resistance band work this week..
Of course getting back on the C25K wagon (since i am doing it Monday-Monday as my week I could even get 6 runs in by the time i post next week... note that said COULD! laugh )

My goal was 155 by March 1.... so we will see how it all goes... No matter what, 145 by April 1!!!


Keep it up ladies!!!
Hope everyone had better weeks then me so I can steal your plans wink

xoxo -S "

So that is pretty much the plan... I have been TERRIBLE about drinking enough water and i NEED to make sure i am getting at least 8 glasses (2L) of plain water everyday. I know I can do it, i just need to commit to it.
I also need to commit to doing cardio everyday. I know I can do it and in the long run it will make my habits better. So I am thinking that 3 c25k runs a week (well maybe more til I catch up from no week 2 runs....) and 2 5k walks a week with one elliptical day... and of course a day off...
I also want to do more stretching and yoga every week. Along with strength training.
I know this sounds like an awful lot, but even if I only get 20-30 mins of cardio in, I can still do 30-60 mins of stretching/yoga or strength a few times a week. I think that an hour like 4 times a week is MORE then reasonable. Really, if i can't do that... I am not going to be able to get ready for the 5k in May...

So that's the plan
3 c25k
2 5k walks
1 elliptical
some yoga, and strength.

TOTALLY gonna rock this!!!!

xoxo- S

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