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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bump in the road

Alright.....So maybe I got discouraged. This just goes to show how many moods/attitudes you can go through in a week.
I managed to do exactly what I did not plan on doing:
A - Not logging into MFP for 3 days straight
B - Did not do my first run of the week on time
C - Ate junk on all my days off

So now we are back on track. Luckily this time it didn't hurt me too badly. Still around the same weight. Don't feel bloated, and I think I may have lost some inches. I thought I would be majorly set back, but maybe I was given a grace period and will be punished for my next time pulling the same thing haha.

Since I have been doing interval running for a few weeks now, and Sarah has kindly shown me this website C25k, I have put myself at week 3 of 9 weeks for the C25k training. It is going well, I'm feeling quite strong even with the setback of not working out for a few days. I think I put myself at about the right time. My shins are hurting quite badly so this is probably a sign that I should get to a chiropractor and buy those fabulous special shoes for runners as well. New goal, get the right gear so I can continue running with no major gaps.

So anyways, apparently Sarah is doing a lot more research than me considering she is finding all these sweet sites. I really should start doing a bit more research. Another goal, do some more research on training for running properly.

And my rant for the day is.....I HATE it when people talk about working out with me, and then bring it up daily, and then when I ask them to work out they say no, or that they will and they don't, or forgot, or didn't bring the right clothes, or are tired. Stop bringing up that you will work out with me haha. I get excited and it's a let down. For those of you who know me I QUITE enjoy company when i'm working out and almost never have it. So please do not tease me, it makes Alessia sad haha.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Runner's shoes! I hate shin splints! Happy running. :D
