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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 1...

Week 1, not going so well.... I have had nothing but the best intentions this week to hit the treadmill but.... well it's been so nice out that I have wanted to enjoy it before it gets cold again... and I need new running shoes.... and it's not like I haven't been working out - I just haven't been running....
Yes, I know how many excuses I have just listed. And yes I know the excuses are not going to get me running a 10k... Honestly, I think I am scared to fail. and whats the best way to avoid failure - not to try at all. So for the rest of this week, I will at least get on the treadmill and walk for 30 mins each day (YUCK!).
To be honest, I cannot wait til the roads are nice enough to run outside... this treadmill stuff SUCKS!!!. However, I did set up some new play lists on my iPod, so maybe that will help. I am also hoping that once I get new shoes (today maybe?!?) that I will be motivated to hit the treadmill more...
So wish me some luck and motivation this week.
And if you have some good music mixes or song suggestions for me while running, please pass them on!!!
xoxo - S


  1. HA HA! take that treadmill... 35 mins of brutal kick-ass working out!!! Music totally helpped!
    Still waiting for suggestions....

  2. Here is my advice: 1. take steps - sign up for a 5 km run, and a couple months later sign up and commit to a 10 km run. If you want, sign up for another one near the end of the year (there are lots each month from April to December) too. Besides, most runs are for charity (bonus)! Mark and I did the 5 km run during the Police Half Marathon & 5 km run in April, and a 10 km run for the Stampede Road Race in July of last year.

    2. Small goals - run for so long, and then walk (intervals 10 min of running, 2 min of walking aka "tens and twos".) walking isn't bad and once you get your breathing rhythm, you'll be fine at running!!

    3. Don't forget hills - run up and down - just be careful of your knees

    4. Make goals (besides attending the runs) - try to run around a certain block. If you can't do that right now, that's ok!! Eventually you'll be able to without stopping to walk. Once you are able to run the entire block, start working on times - run a bit faster. You can even practice working on sprints. It's hard at the beginning, but once you start and get going - it's addicting!! :)

    5. Put your fave music on the ipod - as you know, music will be your motivation, and once it gets nicer outside - you have no excuses to get outside (it'll be easier once it's nicer too - I even like running in the rain (anything is better than the snow)!!) and don't forget to have fun!! It will be fun eventually!!
    Cheers Corinne

  3. ohhh you're running a marathon? This year? Sorry, I thought it was for 10km!! Well good luck, and run lots and lots. Save a day where you can run for a couple hours. Try joining a running room class that aims at marathons as they have tips, and make you go out for runs - long runs. Ideally, you'll be able to run further than a marathon during training, so on the day of your marathon, the distance will be "easier"!! Well good luck, and as for song suggestions - my ipod has lots of upbeat and fast dance music and rock (metallica, punk, speedy and loud) - nothing slow. Oh and don't forget to go to yoga to get stretchy at least once a week!! - Corinne (again!!)

  4. EVENTUALLY a marathon!!! --- and that is my crazy partners plan!!! LOL
    Thanks for all the tips Corinne!!! I appreciate it!!!

  5. ok well now wait a minute. I was thinking maybe a half marathon. I think a marathon is a little nutso. I can't get ahead of myself. I think we'll just pretend 5km is our ultimate goal haha. Cuz then when we do it, it'll be overly exciting haha!
    Oh god......running.....treadmill.....damn haha
