Rants are now archived by month!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

This week...

What am I going to get up to this week?
Well I took somethign away from last week which is important: I need to set realistic goals around my training. I tend to set really lofty goals and then when i start to fail I kinda throw in the towel. NOT COOL!
So this week i am going to set more realisitc goals in the hopes that I keep with it to really get ready for the run. I also think that i need to have 2 areas of focus - fitness and wellness. Fitness : cardio + strength. Wellness: continued care and soul work (think meditation, yoga, sauna, massage)

Go me go!!!

So this week:

bike - 3 times
Elliptical - 2 times
30DS - 2 times
treadmill - 2 times
walk - 1 time

Yoga- 3 times
Meditation - 3 times
Sauna - 3 times
Affirmations - EVERYDAY!!!

Hope this all goes well!

xoxo- S

March 7-10

So this week

Monday - 30DS
Tuesday- Bike
Wednesday- bike, C25K, Elliptical
Thursday- bike

so not a bad week, but certainly did not hit the goals... that's ok tho... I think that i need to be realistic about what I am going to be able to do each week any ways.

Scary thing.... the run is now less then 2 mos away!!! EEPPSS!!!\

xoxo - S

Monday, March 7, 2011

Plan for the week...

First off, this starting this week, my weeks will be running Friday to Friday. That means this week will be a short week, but that's ok. I am doing it my other workout plan is running Friday to Friday and trying to keep both straight is making my head spin!
So with that in mind, I really only have 4 days to plan for this week (Monday- Thursday) ...
So what do I hope to do this week.
Well, I really need to get on the running this week. I also really need to start focusing on my leg endurance.
With this in mind Here's my plan for the next 4 days
2 c25k's (20-30 mins each)
1 walk (40 mins)
1 elliptical (20-30 mins)
2 30ds (25 mins each)
3 bikes (30-60 mins)

I am hoping that this will start to work on both my cardio and muscle endurance. 
Wish me luck!
xoxo - S

Feb28-March 6

So here  is how I did this week...

Let me start off by saying my ass/hammies are sore (in a good way)...

Monday - 50:45 treadmill (walk/jog) 3.12miles
Tuesday - 26:00 elliptical 2.10 miles
Saturday- 22:00 elliptical , 10:00 treadmill (walk/jog)
Sunday - walk/hike

bike work Tuesday, Wednesday
30DS- Wednesday

So I didn't quite hit my goals as planned, but i like to think of the possitives, like I did change things up a bit this week. And at least i was trying.
So here's to next week and lets hope that things only get better from here!
xoxo - S

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Archived Rants - March

March 2, 2011
OMG! I am so effin sick of people who fail to take other peoples situations into consideration!!! Don't lie, you know the type... they come in make these HUGE generalizing statements and then pretend their poop smells like roses.... My current favorite "You just need to eat better" as they scarf down their supersized double value meal from the fast food place du jour.... I don't mind getting suggestions or people who want to help out... it's the critics who forget that not everyone is exactly the same. Try to remember for like 30 seconds that you are not the center of the universe and that just because you say it's a certain way does make that true...
For anyone who has provided me with genuine awesome advices or has listened to me bitch and offered support, THANK YOU... you are unfortunately in the minority

xoxo - S

March 7, 2011
My rant of the day is towards that damn Jillian Michaels... Why you might ask (especially since if you read this blog you know I do the 30 day shred)? Cause her effin' workouts work... I pretty much spend the 30 minutes (or whatever the workout is) hating her because the workouts are so intense. But i feel amazing afterwards because i know that it was a good burn. I also have a whole new vocabulary for my workouts cause of her. I also now feel bad wehn i don't give a work out 100% effort. grrrrr So this rant is for you JM, because I love to hate you...
xoxo - S